Over the weekend of February 8th, 2019 our very special families participated in our Epilepsy Family Retreat. Retreat #176 did not disappoint. The FFA Leadership Training Center in Haines City, Florida was the perfect setting to host our families. With a partial sponsorship by our corporate partner Eisai, we were able to live our mission and help our families heal through this wonderful retreat.
At Deliver the Dream, we are very lucky to have partners that share in our mission. During retreat #176, The Epilepsy Service Foundation of Tampa participated and dedicated their time to all of our families, providing time to connect and gain helpful new insight on how to cope with the life challenges of epilepsy. Watching our families grow from absolute strangers’ morph into a tightknit family over the course of three days was a truly magical experience. A lot of love was shared, along with many laughs that formed bonds that will last a lifetime.