As a charity supporting children and their families, Deliver the Dream is very sensitive to the strain families are under during these difficult times. At the family retreats our charity offers children with cancer and other serious illnesses and conditions along with their families, we often hear parents say they just don’t know what to do.
These days, it seems that nobody knows what to do. We are definitely in unchartered waters. But we are not alone. Wonderful people are stepping forward all around the world to offer help and support.
Pranita Tamma, M.D., a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, and Patrick Mularoni, M.D., medical director of the pediatric sports medicine program at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, are among those wonderful people. They have put together some helpful tips on what to do if you are at home with your kids.
“With schools closed and families at home, it’s easy to slip into the summer vacation or snow day mindset,” the experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine say. “As tempting as it may be to sit in front of the television for movie marathons or series binges, it’s important to keep kids engaged in a healthy way while school’s out.”
To help you find your way, they offer the following tips :
And here’s one more tip. This one is from all of us at Deliver the Dream, one of the most innovative children’s charities, and it’s from the heart: Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up.